Start Collecting Donations with Customizable Donation Forms

Learn what CanadaHelps Donation Forms are, why charities use them and how you can harness their power for your organization.

With CanadaHelps’ donation forms, you can easily collect donations right on your organization’s website. Rapidly deploy unlimited customizable donation forms, optimized to bring you the highest number of donations. Simple to implement, your charity will benefit from.

Why Charities Love CanadaHelps

"It's easy to set up campaigns and funds. Being able to customize the forms to match our brand was a huge bonus for us. "

"Our Foundation uses the custom online donation forms to assist us in our fundraising efforts. They are easy to set up and are user friendly for our donors. It is a wonderful tool to use in working with corporate partners to brand custom pages in creating fundraising initiatives to assist with employee giving in support of our cause."

"Prior to joining CanadaHelps, our organization faced the problem many nonprofits do - how do we collect donations easily, quickly issue tax receipts and make it all look attractive, with our limited resources and small team? CanadaHelps solved all these problems!

The ability to customize nearly every step of the donation process is attractive to us as a donor-centred organization. In particular, we appreciated that we could embed donation forms directly on our website -so donors could make a donation without ever leaving our site! We use the donation forms across our site and they are so easy to set up."